Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet AGH ACK Cyfronet AGH
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Software installed on computers in ACK CYFRONET AGH includes specialized packages, libraries, and compilers.

Most specialized packages is installed under national licenses.

Specialized software can be divided into several groups:

  • additional compilers: Intel Cluster Studio, NVIDIA HPC SDK™,
  • mathematical applications: Mathematica, MATLAB, Maple,
  • chemical applications: ADF, Gaussian, Molpro, TeraChem, TURBOMOLE,
  • CAD/CAE engineer applications: ABAQUS, ANSYS, ANSYS Fluent, Opera, COMSOL Multiphysics,
  • information processing and statistical analysis: STATISTICA,
  • Machine Learning packages: TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, Horovod.

The list of software made available to users is constantly enriched with new items. A full list of the software offered can be found here.

In order to obtain help or request computational software (including commercial software), please contact us via the Helpdesk system.

Łukasz Flis
Manager of HPC Software Department
e-mail: l.flis at